By nature, I am an emotional person. Though I may try to project the opposite image at times, I am, deep at my core, incredibly sensitive. I'm proud of who I am : I may be flawed, but I accept them...for the very qualities which seem flaws to some, may seem attractive to others! Judgement is only absolute when handed out by the Creator!
I arrived in STCS a haughty, self-obsessed, innocent, and highly immature geek. Some may still argue that I'm a geek, and I wouldn't deny it either. I was slightly introvert, and always had a hard time making friends anew. The language barrier I faced when I returned to the place of my birth didn't help. I bore the brunt of many a joke, and that only worsened my problems. Inspite of my flaws, I made a fair few friends. Among them were Alok, Prithvin,Aditya, Rahul, Ron and others. They made me feel at home in a land where I still felt I didn't belong. In 8th Std, I met Akram, and I'm glad to say we've been thick friends ever since. It's not always been a smooth ride between us, we've had arguments, we both have habits that irritate the other, we've both given the other our share of bad advice...but still, as a person, I know he has more integrity than most, even if he has flaws. I hope we remain friends for more than these past 5 years. In the 9th and 10th, when I finally began to acclimatize to the environment around me, I made more friends. While the bonds of the past remained strong, I formed new, nascent bonds of friendship with others...Sidharth, Nandu, Aravind, Nashad, and several others. But to be honest, none of these became truly strong until my final two years in school. As tuition-mates as well as classmates, the walls began to break away, and these friendships solidified with time. New friendships arose where there had been none. Most notably, I managed to shred my introvert nature to an extent, befriending girls who I began to see in a new light only because I had never wanted to in the past.I speak of these friendships not because they are a testament to my likeability. I speak of them because they go a long way to show that no wall, no matter how intimidating, is impregnable! Inhibitions had always existed on both sides when each of these relationships had begun, but by crossing our own comfort zones, they dissolved away. My friends have taught me that the only walls blocking my path are the ones I create for myself....that if I'm willing to shed my inhibitions and let them, friends shall be found in any corner of the world I desire! I've learnt to live my life in such a way that I need never look back upon my past with regret. These bonds are far stronger than any I've made in my previous schools, and the hesitation I feel the day before I leave for college is the truest indication. The reality sinks in that I cannot yearn for what I can no longer have.....there will be periods where these bonds will be strained due to the lack of contact....the weakest will disappear entirely....and hopefully, a few will survive. Prayers can only take you so far, but mine will remain with all of them.....To you few, I tip my hat in gratitude for 7 years of memories!
Stand by me even when our worlds seem far apart............"Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost"
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