This journey has taught me that truly, there is no substitute for hard work, and even though the most diligent of students sometimes suffer an unkind cut, it is the only semblance of a guarantee one can have for success! A victory deservedly earned has no parallel, for it infuses you with a sense of pride and self-esteem which is unmatchable, and which I wish I felt flowing through my veins now! Life is unpredictable, but your success depends on how you play the cards you're dealt! It has also taught me that one's own emotions are more malleable than any metal on earth. Within the last year, there have been incidents that have seriously affected me, words exchanged that have hurt me, and actions that were uncalled for, but all of that seems to have faded away into nothingness with the passage of time. There is a sense of tranquility that has settled upon petty squabbles of the past, and this delights me greatly. It is suicide to harbour such emotions and let them foster inside you! My affiliation with St. Thomas Central School shall never end, for those corridors will live on in my memories for years to come! The good times and the bad will forever come rushing into my dreams in a heady mix of nostalgia! I am filled with little other than love,respect and gratitude for the teachers who have moulded my young life! Time is the universal solvent which dissolves all feelings of dislike or hatred, but often drowns fragile friendships as well! With this in mind, I hope I can keep in touch with all of my friends, or at least the ones who have had a hand in shaping my life! I shall miss them dearly, as I will every other integral part of my present life which has treated me so kindly. The beauty of separation is that it makes re-unions all the more meaningful and memorable!

I am at a phase in my life where I can no longer lean back on the old ways and walk down familiar alleys. I must continuously look forward, and the thought excites me. I feel, for the first time, that I am finally ready, physically,mentally, and spiritually, to move on with my life! This is a time for optimism and determination. More than ever, I feel indebted for the opportunities that life has thrown my way, irrespective of whether my efforts have deserved them. I know I am fortunate to explore avenues unavailable to others, which is why it becomes all the more important to overlook what I sadly missed out upon, and work towards building a future in agreement with His grand design.The world outside has far more to teach me than I can learn from my cherished, yet geographically bound existence! Beyond state borders lie parts of India which I dream of exploring, cultures and traditions which I yearn to absorb. I must move on with a heavy heart, for the future beckons, and I dare not disobey its call!
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