Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Writer's Block

Unfortunately, academic obligations seem to have taken control of my life! So I have regrettably had to reach a decision to stop blogging for a while......I promise to resume once this phase of my life passes, but for now at least, the WRITER'S BLOCK seems here to stay, and it would be incredibly foolish of me to promise my readers even 1 post a month! Once again, apologies for the lay-off, but hey, even the President of America took a 2 month long vacation in Hawaii after his first 6 months in my claim to a year-long sabbatical seems justified! Report back in May 2008, from which point on, my blogging days under the sun will begin in earnest once again without fail! As for now, thanks for reading, and it's been a pleasure to have given my friends something to read! I hope you'll bookmark this page, for after a year or so, you might find it useful! But for now, it's Sayonara!

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