No longer will I be able to spend 6 hrs a day pretending to listen to lectures, cracking jokes with trustworthy friends, talking about anything and everything that does/doesn't matter.....and having the freedom to be myself! Yes, the uniform is an irritant, and the rules are a pain....but where else do u find friends who accept you for who u truly are??...Where else can u live through every embarassment and laugh them off whole-heartedly, secretly wishing for another embarassing experience, if only in the hope that u'd bring a smile to ur friends' faces?? Where else can you talk freely without prejudice or preconceived notions??....Where else is the gender divide this obscure and invisible??....
Even the rumoured "affairs" which you hated your friends for inventing out of thin air, now appear treasured memories, for on reflecting, not only were these actually funny, but unique! Where else will people care enough to make up "love" rumours just to get under your skin and have a laugh(without any ill intentions!)?? I can't help but smile when my teachers now scold me...for each time, the same thought resurfaces--"Who else would scold me with such pure intentions at heart?"--not my future employer for sure!! At the moment, I feel an emptiness inside me, so deep, that it drains me of all joy. It feels as if something is missing, some integral part of my life seems to be fading away, something remains unaccomplished in my school life.......AND it is this emotion that I find hard to understand, and which troubles my soul so deeply! If anything, it reminds me of how precious these friendships are.....these bonds of trust and companionship which have been forged over so many years, irreplaceable and priceless! Now more than ever, I feel fortunate to have the friends I do, and this is merely an outlet for that very gratitude!
After all the brooding is done, what can I do, but wave the clouds of despair and depression away, and for the few precious days remaining, enjoy the company of the GREATEST FRIENDS I'll EVER Have! To my readers, I wish this post to serve as a reminder of the uniqueness of your lives! Random events and daily incidents stick to your memory, if you only have the patience to pause from your routines and observe quitely.....the sheer joy and euphoria of your school friendships...and how each action, however insignificant, communicates so much more!! It may not be my SCHOOL that I will miss, for it is FAR from PERFECT, but everything that it brought to my fledgeling life.......companionship, camaraderie, enlightenment and spiritual growth ! With this, I bid adieu until my next blog post!
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