Kerala is done and dusted, but it's shaken up my exam plans significantly. After a fairly solid performance in Physics and Chemistry, I performed reprehensibly in the Maths paper. I was dumbstruck by the manner in which I'd attempted the paper, rather than the complexity of the questions. After glancing through the 1st 30 qns, I noticed that only 30 mins had yet passed. Satisfied, I continued on, not realizing that I'd grown more lathargic over time and by the time I'd reached Qn. 60, I had all but 1 hour left. Panic mode set in, which hasn't happened to me in any of the prior mock exams I've attended, and my sanity left me! In what ought to have been a relaxed, but determined salvage mission, I misfired, miscalculated, and overthought, and ultimately, brought about my own downfall.
I left the hall in disbelief, not just because I'd attempted only 55 qns while in previous exams I'd never shrunk below 70, but also because, at no instant during that exam did I feel the questions were above my level. If anything, I really could not account for HOW I'd spent those 2.5 hrs, or where I'd eaten up valuable time. I was left with a mixture of emotions(shock and disappointment) , none of which were positive.
Now looking back, I have to leave the past behind. If anything, it has only simplified my equation : AIEEE or bust! This is last chance saloon, and though BITSAT is left in May, along with CUSAT in June, there is only so far I can attempt to push my luck, hoping to be bailed out by divine intervention. The clock ticks on without remorse...............
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