Sunday, February 10, 2008

To Whomsoever I May Offend

Here's offering an unconditional apology to any reader who may have read/ will read my posts on the events that unfurled on 08-02-08!

This blog was meant to serve as an outlet for my deepest(and sometimes least-cherished) thoughts and underlying emotions....and an honest confession demands no apology on my part! Hence, I apologize not for the thoughts I've expressed, for they were, in the truest sense, heartfelt and genuine......but rather for the lack of any fore-warning! To anyone(particularly my teachers) whose feelings may have been/ will be hurt by the following posts, my sincere apologies, for that was never my intention! At times, writing about such incidents seems the only way to drive them away from my mind, and so, I was left with little choice! At such a crucial time in my life, my mind can least afford to ponder over such issues! Irrespective of what has transpired over the last couple of days, I shall never forget their contribution in shaping my young life, and shall remain forever indebted to them! Perhaps even this experience hides a lesson.....that the age of innocence is at an end, and we can no longer escape accountability for our deeds !

I do not expect everyone to share my views... a few readers will dismiss my posts as "extreme","exaggerated", "misleading", or even "sensationalist", and perhaps in earnest truth, they are , thoughts are and forever will be....MY VERY OWN! I feel I have no reason to apologize, as I have not defied any of the principles I cherish, by speaking my mind in this regard! Hence, to those who plan to read the following posts, let this serve as a warning.....reader discretion is advised, and your comments, positive or negative, are welcome.....but even if my views on this event change after a month, or my mood mellows, or negative comments shower down upon my roof....No further updation/deletion will be made to the previous posts! My posts are never meant to be enthralling/pleasing/sugar-coated.....only honest,brutally, if need be!......

With that....I say thank you....., and bid farewell until my next post!

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