This blog was meant to serve as an outlet for my deepest(and sometimes least-cherished) thoughts and underlying emotions....and an honest confession demands no apology on my part! Hence, I apologize not for the thoughts I've expressed, for they were, in the truest
I do not expect everyone to share my views... a few readers will dismiss my posts as "extreme","exaggerated", "misleading", or even "sensationalist", and perhaps in earnest truth, they are , thoughts are and forever will be....MY VERY OWN! I feel I have no reason to apologize, as I have not defied any of the principles I cherish, by speaking my mind in this regard! Hence, to those who plan to read the following posts, let this serve as a warning.....reader discretion is advised, and your comments, positive or negative, are welcome.....but even if my views on this event change after a month, or my mood mellows, or negative comments shower down upon my roof....No further updation/deletion will be made to the previous posts! My posts are never meant to be enthralling/pleasing/sugar-coated.....only honest,brutally, if need be!......
With that....I say thank you....., and bid farewell until my next post!
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