Amitabh Bachchan attends the opening ceremony of an addtional line along the BWSL and the reverberations are apparently so huge that it receives front page coverage for the next four days. A man becomes the ambassador of a state and somehow is then perceived to be an ambassador for the ruling administration. Are these people serious? Do Congress workers have their faces jammed so far up the first family's a$$es that they need to manufacture an issue out of nothing to display their 'loyalty'? Manoj Tiwary, Congress spokesman, appears on every god-darned political debate claiming Bachchan made x number of demands to the BJP regarding his wife's political future, land for a film studio etc etc, and in this way was trying to arm-twist the Modi government to make his role as Ambassador a mutually beneficial one! If that is indeed the case, then why should the public give a rat's ass about it unless land is being sold illegally to Mr. Bachchan? And how does that amount to supporting Mr. Modi's role in the 2002 communal pogrom?
Attacking a national icon such as Mr. Bachchan on such flimsy ground is ludicrous. Whether he approves or disapproves of Mr. Modi, he shall never be idiotic enough to make a statement for or against him, when he knows that either public faith or his (alleged) wishlist with Modi will be held hostage to his statement. When his actions have so far not warranted any statement on his stand on the Modi government, why the sudden uproar? Are you going to ask every celebrity in this country now to declare his/her personal stand on every political issue when nothing they've done can be deemed by a rational human being as 'political'?
Being an ambassador to a state means promoting its culture, its heritage, its people : NOT its politicians! So unless the state government comes out with an ad promo featuring Bachchan alongside BJP stalwarts, praising the real and imaginary achievements of the government, how is this a 'political move'? Mr. Tiwary argues that it is Modi who appointed Bachchan as ambassador to the state, so there is political affiliation! But who shall appoint him the ambassador other than the Chief Minister of the state, genius? Do these people really take the common man to be a numbskull?
Yes, Modi is a criminal, and if the SIT is sincerely intent on investigating him, more power to them. Reports though, indicate otherwise, but I digress. That Narendra Modi is the worthiest candidate for the death penalty in this candidate is a fact agreeable to all other than the most ardent BJP supporters and Hindutva fanatics. So why is the Congress so thoughtlessly shooting itself in the foot by aiming for those around him? If anything, the Gujarat Chief Minister is a master at this game: painting himself as the 'development guru', the 'perennial victim', 'one of the people', and a soft target for the Government. He is none of the above, but the more the Congress tries to verbally assault him without thinking it through, the more believable these claims become. The BJP on the other hand, is probably grinning with glee because an incompetent Congress keeps handing issue after issue for the BJP to exploit and remain politically relevant even though their support base is shrinking and their leadership is inept. So now the BJP can also claim that appointing Bachchan as ambassador is yet a visionary decision by the great Narendra Modi, monument of Gujarati pride! It is a testament to a vibrant Gujarat, and a testament to the competence of the 'good ol' BJP' who have honored the people's trust in them!
It all sounds like the script of a badly written Priyadarshan comedy, but it irritates me that this tripe qualifies as news in this country! It happened a month ago with the Shiv Sena-Shahrukh Khan row in which the only real loser was the general public which was duped into going out in large numbers to watch an average film under the pretext of 'supporting freedom of expression'! Is it just me, or do all these episodes reek of that not-so-new fragrance 'eau de cheap publicity stunt'??
Farmers in Vidarbha are still dying, Operation Greenhunt is using criminal force against tribal people to crush the Maoist revolt, Delhiites are paying the bill for the CWG, terrorists are readying to cross the border, food prices are rising.....but this child-like banter between the two national parties over a promotional event is grabbing headlines. To all these people I say.....GROW UP YOU, MORONS!!!!
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