India is a country of great diversity, but as much as we may admire its varied heritage and culture, so too must we recognize the great complexity of the problems it faces. We live in a world riddled with contradictions : the wealth and prosperity of a few accompanies the destitution of many others. With poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and other social ails still staining our nation's report sheet of the past 60 years of independence, the time is ripe for society as a whole to heal its own wounds rather than merely implore local governments to tend to our every need.
Each of us has their conscience pricked by the articles in our daily newspaper! News of declining sex ratios, reports of farmers forced to take their own lives owing to the debts they are ultimately ensnared in, tales of young children brimming with immeasurable potential which remains forever untapped thanks to a state machinery incapable of supporting them : the outpouring of sympathy is all but natural! We dream of leaders and stalwarts who share our own sense of outrage and dismay at the issues we see plague our nation, but with the power and gumption to make a difference! Though our own moral base and skill set projected on another seem sufficient to help pioneer the social revolution we seek, why do so few of us listen to our own hearts to help realize the visions we often wax lyrical about? Why do we shrug them off as our dreams, rather than our responsibilities? Why are organisations such as Make a Difference and Help Age India the exception rather than the norm?
At Sociopreneur 2010, we challenge you to rise to the occasion for your fellow man as your conscience must have pleaded you to so often before. At IMA Hall on the 20th of January, 2010, will be conducted a social entrepreneurship competition unlike any other event held before in Kerala! Participants from across Kerala, and indeed, across the whole of South India shall present their blueprints for the India they envision, and the work to be done to attain it! IMA Hall shall be the breeding ground where participants nurture their plans for a sustainable social venture targetting a core problem whose solution,they feel, can be at hand! On the line will not only be the tag of being the ultimate "SOCIOPRENEUR", but also a cash prize of Rs. 10,000.
Participation is open to all Indian citizens, and participants may register in groups of upto 5 persons. Participants are expected to prepare a summary of their proposed social venture (not exceeding 600 words) and mail it to sociopreneur@technopreneur.in on or before the 10th of January, 2010 . Innovation as well as the social impact that the venture creates shall earn most points, while the financial sustainability of the project proposed will also be a factor in the final evaluation! An eminent panel of judges shall then shortlist the many entries received to obtain a list of 6 finalists, who will then participate in the final round at IMA Hall, Kochi, on the 20th of February. Each team will be allotted a sum total of 20 minutes to present their idea before the judges in the quest to earn the tag of the very first 'SOCIOPRENEUR(S)' !
For further details, readers are encouraged to visit

Samir Madhavan - +919995116815 Joel Mathew - +919048546746
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